BrenTax is a leader in medical tax refund recoveries. Are you or a loved one living with a long term medical condition that affects your daily life? We can help.
We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality service. Through hard work, BrenTax has earned the respect of our clients and the areas we serve. Our professionals continuously update their knowledge to ensure we are providing our clients with the highest quality service and advice to ensure you maximize your savings.
There is No Charge to see if you qualify. BrenTax has recovered millions of dollars to date for those who qualify for the special tax credit. Let us help you today.
See Our Client Testimonials Below:
With 3 children with autism life can sometimes be a challenge. Extra expenses for tutoring, medical travel and programs can add up. I am so glad to have listened to my sister Carol in PEI (who you also helped). Thanks to your help this year ($32,000) and each year going forward will be so much easier financially.
Cheers to you BrenTax!!
Girls you just never stop trying to help. We were so grateful for your help in receiving the $22,000 refund and now today we had another almost $7000 deposited for additional CTB. When I called to see how much more we owed BrenTax your reply was “Pay it Forward”! You have our whole family’s tax business for LIFE.
Thank you!!
WOW!! Thank you Soooo much Bren!! You have changed our lives! Never did we think that my hubby would qualify for this credit and thanks to you we have almost $12,000 to help us get through this rough time.
God bless you.
10+ years my parents have lived with us, both disabled from strokes, and no one ever suggested we might have a claim for them. Thank you BrenTax for caring enough to dig and pursue this for us. $38,500 in multiple missed deductions you found including the disability. Keep up the great work Bren.
Justin….Nova Scotia
Never did I imagine that the day would come so soon living without my husband Bob. Thank you girls for taking the time to treat me like a friend not just a client. The extra that you found for me ($8500) sure helped with downsizing expenses and trying to start a new life. BrenTax really is different and without terrible high fees. It was a pleasure to pay your bill. I will pass your name on everywhere I go.